outer space film sets

Solaris - 1972

Barbarella - 1968

2001: A Space Odyssey - 1968

Alien - 1979

Forbidden Planet - 1956

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - 1980

A Trip to the Moon - 1902

Space inspired costume – 60s/70s films

I loved all of the space-inspired costumes I found from 1950s films, so I wanted to do one for the 60s/70s, too! These ended up being much sillier than I thought they would be, so I’ve posted the funniest ones I could find. 🙂

Escape from the Planet of the Apes - 1971

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

what an advanced toy/computer thing you are wearing! (love the colors of their suits though)
First Spaceship on Venus - 1960

The Phantom Planet - 1961

goofy moon-man
Hercules Against the Moonmen - 1964

Vintage Book Covers

I found these vintage outer space books on Etsy and eBay – most are available to purchase! I think I might have to get one of the Russian books…


Tales of Time and Space – 1969


Minos of Sardanes – 1966


Tom Swift and His Ultrasonic Cycloplane – 1954


Space Cat and the Kittens – 1958


Radio’s Conquest of Space – 1946


Russian children’s book – “Station ‘Moon'” – 1963


Russian – “Start in the Sky” -1976


Russian – “Korolev” -1973

Space inspired (female) costume – 50s films

I’ve always been interested in costuming for film/stage and was convinced I wanted to be a costume designer after I took a class on it a couple years ago. I’ve pursued other things since then but the class gave me a greater appreciation for what the typical costume designer has to do with usually little paid help…which is EVERYTHING from sketching to pitching and then sewing – and often on a very tight budget. I love these space inspired costumes from kitschy 1950s films (although Forbidden Planet is an amazing film and some of the set looks pretty much exactly like Star Wars). I think I’ll research set photos or another decade for a future post.

Queen of Outer Space - 1958

Queen of Outer Space - 1958

Forbidden Planet - 1956

Forbidden Planet
love her hooded dress!

Devil Girl From Mars - 1954
kind of Darth Vader-esque

Cat-Women of the Moon -1953
this is the kind of thing I would totally act in.

Cat-Women of the Moon - makeup

Etsy Finds: Home Decor

Below are my latest Etsy finds: home decor inspired by the stars, planets, and robots (each image can be clicked to go to the Etsy listing).

Boxed Earth, Moon and Mars Globes, $145

vintage 1950s tin toy robot mousepad, $14

handmade galaxy lamp, $50

Galaxy Nebula Print Accent Pillow, $36

Sketches of the moon by Galileo

These sketches of the moon by Galileo are so inspiring. I love his style of drawing, especially now on the aged paper. This sketch is from his Sidereus Nuncius of 1610.


Today’s post is dedicated to outer space inspired tattoos… I love tattoos but couldn’t make a decision to get one myself without fear of changing my mind. But at least I can admire them!

haha…there are some ridiculous star wars tattoos out there, you can see them here.

etsy finds – jewelry

Spaced Out Charm Necklace - $35 by Beijo Brasil

Zodiac Constellation Necklace - $24 by E. Ria Designs

Solar System Locket - $40 by khara ledonne

mardi gras space costume

For Mardi Gras this year I decided to dress up in the theme of this blog! I found the perfect metallic and black dress at Buffalo Exchange on Magazine Street. It has this round back thing that is very outer space like but I didn’t really get any good pictures of it to show here. It also has a really fun to wear tulle tail. All I needed to do to it was sew the top part a little bit to make it fit better. Then I found some vintage 70s boots at the thrift store and spray painted them silver. I spray painted a plastic crown silver and added silver paper stars. Finally, I wore turquoise tights, a vintage 50s necklace with blue lucite cabochons that look like planets, and blue lipstick. The whole costume cost me about $20, since all I had to buy was the dress ($16), boots ($4), and crown ($2). I had a lot of fun putting it all together and then wearing it on Mardi Gras day in the French Quarter!

Me in my space costume

spray painting the boots

vintage gloves and purse

the boots

more space ladies

happy lundi gras

I’m working on my space themed costume right now for Mardi Gras tomorrow. I’ll post pictures of it finished next week!